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License :АГ №570604 Ministry of Health from 11.04.2011.
Lutsk district, Tarasovo village, 1b Lisova St. – Bogoliuby village (10 km from Lutsk city)
Patient admission schedule: Monday – Friday: from 9.00 till 19.00
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Botulinum Therapy: Forget about Wrinkles!

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Frowning eyebrows, crow's feet, tired face, facial wrinkles - these imperfections can be eliminated by injection. Everything about botulinum therapy tells the surgeon, cosmetologist Olha Petruk.

What is botulinum therapy?

Botulinum therapy is an injection of botulinum toxin aimed at relaxing facial muscles. The drug acts in such way that turns off the mechanism of wrinkle formation. That is, the muscle does not contract and wrinkles are not formed. This procedure is relevant for people who often frown. It depends on many factors: nervous strain, expression habit, so on. After the introduction of botulinum toxin, we make the brain “to forget” to send a muscle signal about contraction. Thus, you can even wean a person off frown.

At what age can botulinum toxin be injected?

There is no age - there are indications. It is possible at 16. Perhaps one procedure will be enough and there will be no need to make an injection more, because the teenager will unlearn to frown.

And if it's a deep wrinkle?

In this case, you must resort to an integrated approach. First, botulinum therapy is used (to turn off the mechanism of wrinkle formation, to fix the muscles), and then  fillers  are introduced (to return the lost volume in the wrinkle area).

To correct which areas on the face botulinum is used?

For all. In addition, botulinum toxin injections are used to correct muscle hypertonicity in the neck, which leads to elongation of the face oval and an unaesthetic appearance of the neck.
Botulinum toxin injections are also highly effective in the treatment of hyperhidrosis - excessive sweating under the arms, on the palms and feet. Excessive sweating for some people creates great discomfort, and injections make it possible to forget about the problem for a while.

What botulinum therapy do you use?

I’ve chosen two types of botulinum toxin - French and German, which are slightly different. Which drug to use, we decide together with the patient, depending on his expectations.
Often women prefer the light option, when the results of botulinum therapy are subtle and facial expressions are preserved. It is also relevant when it is necessary to maintain the function of the masticatory muscle. The hypertonicity of the masticatory muscle not only leads to the formation of a masculine-like square oval of the face, but also leads to erasure of the teeth. In this case, it is more comfortable to work with German botulinum toxin, because it does not completely relax the muscle, and to some extent retains its function.
But the muscles that lead to the formation of wrinkles between the eyebrows do not have a different function, and they can be completely turned off. In this case, it is advisable to use French botulinum toxin. It should be noted that maximum naturalness is now in fashion, including the preservation of facial expressions, and not “face-frost”.
It should be noted that maximum naturalness is now in fashion, including the preservation of facial expressions, and not “face-frost”. ».

How to prepare for the procedure and choose the best time for it?

How to prepare for the procedure and choose the best time for it? Before the procedure, consultation is required. It is very important!
Often women, having read publications on the Internet, think that a certain injection technique is suitable for them, and during a consultation with a doctor it turns out that a completely different one is needed. And one must be prepared for this.

As a doctor, it’s important for me to communicate with the patient before the procedure and get detailed information about his state of health. You must also learn about the menstrual cycle. In injection methods, this is of great importance, because before menstruation, blood greatly liquefies, fluid is retained in the body, and edema can occur after injections. Therefore, the optimal time for the procedure is 7-10 days of the monthly cycle (it must be counted from the first day of the onset of menstruation).

Are there any medications that are contraindicated before injections?

Yes, these are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen, nurofen, declofenac and the like. They liquefy the blood. It is necessary to stop the use of such drugs at least three days before the procedure. It is also worth a week to stop taking anticoagulants. But, of course, first of all, you need to take into account the risks of refusing to take these drugs.

Can botulinum toxin be injected immediately after consultation?

Yes, if there are no contraindications and the patient is ready for this. This is the so-called lunch break procedure, after which no traces will be noticeable. In people with sensitive skin, there may be a red spot at the injection site. I note that botulinum toxin begins to act 3-5 days after administration, and therefore the result of the procedure is not immediately noticeable. How often do you need to repeat the procedure? Correction is carried out within two weeks. And again, botulinum toxin can be injected no earlier than three months after the previous procedure. The drug is most active in the first month, and it lasts about 3-4 months. But the duration of action is individual: it can last longer for a person with weak muscles, and if the muscles are stronger, the duration of action will be shorter. German botulinum toxin can be injected more often. It does not cause resistance, that is, addiction. The fact is that it is the most purified and the body does not produce antibodies to it, so the drug acts with every administration.

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  • Кристина
Имею активную мимику, поэтому часто хмурюсь и у меня начали появляться морщины на лбу. Первый раз решилась на уколы ботокса в возрасте 30 лет (сейчас мне 35 лет). Для этого ездила аж в Киев к опытному косметологу, ведь в Луцке боялась кому-то довериться. Не так давно услышала, что в МЦ Боголюбы открылось новое направление - эстетическая медицина. Записалась на консультацию к Петрук Ольге Александровне. Только после того, как убедилась в ее профессионализме, решилась сделать здесь инъекции ботокса. Осталась очень довольной: было совсем не больно, процедура длилась всего несколько минут, после были незначительные покраснения, которые исчезли через 30 мин. Результат стал проявляться через 4 дня. Постепенно лоб онемевал, мимика снижалась, морщины разглаживались. В конце-концов морщины полностью исчезли и я помолодела на лет 5 так точно! Спасибо! Буду всем рекомендовать вашу клинику!!!
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