Why age-related changes occur, how to identify and prevent them, and also look much younger, consults a surgeon, cosmetologist Olha Petruk. What result can be achieved with beauty injections? All "beauty injections" can be divided into two groups, depending on the purpose for which they are made. The first group is injections for the purpose of beauty and harmonization, that is, an increase in the lips and cheekbones, non-surgical correction of the shape of the nose, correction of the asymmetry or shape of the chin, and the change in the proportions of the face. The second group of wrinkle injections is aimed at correcting and preventing age-related changes. It should be noted that age-related changes, that is, aging occurs on all layers, starting with the bones of the skull, is accompanied by a weakening of the ligamentous apparatus, hypertrophy and hypotrophy of the fat packs of the face, as well as changes in the skin. That is, it is impossible to eliminate age-related changes in the face with the help of skin care itself: one cream is not enough. Why is women’s appearance getting worse with age? The appearance of a woman largely depends on her hormonal background. With age, estrogen levels decrease in a woman’s body. Significant changes occur in the menopause (menopause can be medication, natural or associated with a disease, surgery, etc.) - all this is accompanied by hormonal changes that are reflected on the woman's face. And it happens like an avalanche, very quickly. Sometimes negative changes are associated with dramatic weight loss. In this case, the volume is lost on the face. A woman's face roundness is beautiful, it is a sign of youth. With age or in case of weight loss, skeletonization of the face occurs. In women, the temporal fossa sinks, the back of the nose sags, the orbit of the eye increases and the eyes seem tired - all this happens as a result of volume loss. This can be adjusted. For instance, if you provide the hollow temporal fossa of the volume, the face will immediately look much fresher. It should be noted that unlike women, skeletal suits men. It emphasizes their gender characteristics, makes face rude, and male features - more expressive. So, injection cosmetology allows you to adjust, emphasize the gender characteristics of a person, for example, to adjust the angle of the lower jaw, to form a strong-willed chin. How does a woman understand that she has begun age-related changes? What should you pay attention to? To do this, just place the mirror below and look at your reflection: all the flaws (sagging skin, bags under the eyes, wrinkles, etc.) will immediately become noticeable. That is why everyone takes a selfie by placing the phone on top: that’s how the face looks better. If changes began to take place, do not hesitate. It is better to do a preventative procedure than to wait until they become apparent. Prevention is easier than adjustment. The correction uses a multi-level integrated approach, various techniques are applied, and this requires a long time. What procedures can be done to prevent age-related changes? To prevent age-related changes, botulinum toxin injections can be made to prevent the formation of wrinkles. Fillers will help restore lost volumes and adjust facial features. A positive result is the use of plasma therapy - an injection of blood plasma, which triggers a powerful rejuvenation of tissues at all levels. An effective method to improve facial contour is vector lifting with Radiesse and non-surgical facelift with Aptos threads. Aptos threads are implanted subcutaneously, thereby achieving a lifting effect. This is an alternative to surgical facelift. The procedure makes it possible to prevent the signs of aging and rejuvenate the face as a whole. The threads themselves improve the quality of the skin, stimulating the production of collagen. But the use of injection techniques does not mean that you need to abandon home and professional face care. Everything must be combined. They say that you can "get hooked" on the injection of beauty. It's true? It’s impossible to “get hooked” on injections, you can “get hooked” on their result, your appearance. But I always emphasize to patients that we must adhere to the golden mean: do not get too carried away with injections, periodically the person needs to be given rest. And besides, you must definitely do a comprehensive facial treatment. Injections are not a panacea and not the only solution to all problems. I am a proponent of a combined approach. In addition to injection techniques, it is necessary to resort to screening cosmetology, do massages, peels, biorevitalization and other supporting procedures. Facial care must be comprehensive!
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