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License :АГ №570604 Ministry of Health from 11.04.2011.
Lutsk district, Tarasovo village, 1b Lisova St. – Bogoliuby village (10 km from Lutsk city)
Patient admission schedule: Monday – Friday: from 9.00 till 19.00
The new clinic building is located outside the Volyn Regional Hospital building, next to the forest. The final stop of the city bus is No. 31, 47. You can reach us from the bus stop hotel 'Ukraine' opposite TSUM (department store -Central Universal Fashionable). If you are traveling by personal transport, the address for the navigator: Lutsk district, Tarasovo village, 1 b Lisova St.
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Home page Be healthy as a woman!

Sex and stress

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 We used to think that stress is harmful. It affects not only our physical health, but also our emotional health . Reactions to stress are varied - from insomnia and loss of appetite to drowsiness and the desire to eat sweets in kilograms, in addition - irritability, tearfulness, inhibition, etc.

With chronic stress, the synthesis of cortisol - a hormone that reduces sexual desire - increases . Then the functions that are necessary for survival (heartbeat, blood circulation) are activated, and secondary ones are suppressed. We can say that nature itself regulates libido, because in a stressful situation you need to survive, not reproduce. However, statistics show that about 10% of the population tries to relieve stress just through sex.

According to psychotherapists, not all stress is bad. There is also a "choir ". This is the case when our mental balance is disturbed due to positive emotions. Then the amount of sex hormones increases. So is there an effective sex therapy for stress?

Consider the issue of male and female. If a man is under the influence of stress, then, most likely , he will not talk about it for hours on the body background and cry on the shoulders of a friend . Usually a man closes, and the whole load of experiences accumulates inside. Excessive attention and questioning irritate him rather than make him happy.

Experts believe that if the stressful situation is not prolonged and not very deep, it even temporarily increases sexual desire. This is due to the subconscious connection of aggression and male sexuality, the desire for victory and conquest, the manifestation of power and strength. However, the moral discharge does not always coincide with the physical . If the stress is serious, and it's not just a hard day at work, sex will not bring relief.

There is another option. The partner becomes indifferent, there are problems with erection. The man tries to avoid his partner, refers to work and fatigue. What to do? A woman in such a situation should show maximum patience. Allegations, claims or jokes on this topic are inappropriate. It is important to support a man, to confirm his importance, not the other way around. Women's initiative in sexual relations in this case threatens to fail.

Stress in women proceeds according to a different scenario. The fair sex pours their negative emotions into the outside world. And the exacerbation of sexual desire is not observed. The woman needs peace, tenderness and rest. If a partner goes for tactile contact, it does not mean that she wants rough and immediate sex. This is a man to keep in mind to avoid misunderstandings and resentment. And it is absolutely useless to accuse a woman of insufficient desire for intimacy.

How to be? You do not need to force yourself to have sex, so as not to upset your partner. Neither you nor your husband will be happy about it. Such a concession leads a woman to think that she is being used. And the man will feel that the partner did not get pleasure, and will accept it at his own expense.

Of course, sex cannot be a therapeutic remedy for stress. However, it is able to perform an excellent preventive role. After all, sex provides physical relaxation, improves mood and increases self-confidence.

With prolonged stress, it is important to change the inner mood. Its chronic course leads to depression and anxiety disorders. Physical fatigue is one of the main companions of stress. It is necessary to find time for rest, a good night's sleep.

If you have a situation that requires psychological help, do not hesitate to consult the specialists of the MC "Bogolyuby". Completely impossible to avoid stress, but highlight its main source, minimize them or eliminate - it is our strength.


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Марія 2024-07-18
Після статевого акту пішли невеликі мажучі кров'янисті виділення неяскраво червоного кольору. Під час статевого акту больових відчуттів не було. Потім було таке самопочуття як перед та під час менструації. Близько через тиждень почалася менструація. Яка причина такого?
Маріє, для діагностики стану Вам варто пройти огляд гінеколога, зробити УЗД органів малого тазу та здати аналізи на мазки.
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Каміла 2024-07-09
Доброго дня. Мені 16, затримка вже 6 день, перед цим був стрес і не один, через здачу екзамену і випускного. В кінці червня зайнялась вперше петингом з хлопцем. Ймовірно в нього щось вийшло (не сперма). Але мої полові губи трішки торкнулись його органу.Проникнення не було.Дуже сильно переживаю, що вагітна, чи варто мені переживати?
Каміло, при контакті статевих біологічних рідин є шанс на вагітність, хоча і мізерний. Зробіть високочутливий аптечний тест на вагітність, який покаже результат уже на 8 день запліднення.
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