Early signs of pregnancy - the succession of manifestations of a different character, which is blamed after conception. The most obvious and obvious sign is a delay in menstruation, starting from the first cycle after the flood. However, this is not the only symptom of changes associated with pregnancy.
What are the most common symptoms of the first type of pregnancy? Here you can zarahuvati: amenorrhea (days of menstruation in eye days ); implantation I bleed ; enlargement of breasts and change of color of nipples; partly call before the sechovipkannya; boredom; that's why that pіdvischene bazhannya sleep; change the mood; head pain and light pain in the lower abdomen.
Symptoms of the first days of pregnancy are signals that the body tells about future changes. In fact, these changes begin immediately after conception. In the first year of the year, chorionic gonadotropin (CHL) develops skin 48 years, the function of which is to stimulate the body to convert progesterone, the main hormone of vaginess.
Having shown an early sign of vaccinity, it can lie due to metabolic, hormonal, duct-intestinal and psychological factors. Like only conceived , with a woman organisms shvidko move _ equal to estrogen and progesterone; decrease rіven tsukru blood ; decrease bloody vice; increase in the amount of circulating blood. C і thаt іnshі factors у u саn spriyаyat zniknennya menstrual visions аnd аrе frоm often аbουt thаt іt іn thе cob οf pregnancy.
I would like to pay special attention to such an early sign of vaginess, as if implantation is bleeding. Droplets of blood appear in certain drops approximately in one or two days after flooding (for example, if you can count on menstruation), if the embryo initiates its process of nesting in the endometrium of the uterus. Flames of blood can beat a woman with a pantel, the one who stench is similar to the arch of a light menstrual vision.
Small blood loss can be attributed to other reasons, for example, when opening capillaries in the cervix of the uterus, which can happen after the state act. Yakscho bleeding flock brighter , better yaknaishvidshe turn to the gynecologist.
On the cob of vagity, women notice the appearance of milky-white visions. This symptom may be the result of sweating of the wall of the penis, an absolutely innocent phenomenon, as it begins practically immediately after conception. However yakscho tse pov 'yazane h unacceptable odor, liver or liver, it is recommended to talk to a doctor to prevent bacterial or fungal infection.
When is the test for vaginess workable?
Since the woman has a regular menstrual cycle of 28 days, it is possible to stop the menstruation from the first day, then approximately 7 days after the implantation of the occluded egg. However, not all research tests show the lowest concentration of the hormone in the section. Do not worry about setting the exact moment of ovulation, especially with irregular cycles. In connection with cym, it is more likely to conduct a test through chotiri or five days of interruption of menstruation.
In any case, if the test was carried out correctly, you can add a few days and repeat the test to confirm the result. If a home pregnancy test positive , soon and sh for all vagіtnist it's already here, hello bagan confirm the result by giving analysis blood on chorionic gonadotropin people . If the result is doubtful or negative and the interruption of menstruation continues, you can go back to diagnose the problem before fahivtsiv MC "Bogolyubi".