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License :АГ №570604 Ministry of Health from 11.04.2011.
Lutsk district, Tarasovo village, 1b Lisova St. – Bogoliuby village (10 km from Lutsk city)
Patient admission schedule: Monday – Friday: from 9.00 till 19.00
The new clinic building is located outside the Volyn Regional Hospital building, next to the forest. The final stop of the city bus is No. 31, 47. You can reach us from the bus stop hotel 'Ukraine' opposite TSUM (department store -Central Universal Fashionable). If you are traveling by personal transport, the address for the navigator: Lutsk district, Tarasovo village, 1 b Lisova St.
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Tubal ligation: what you need to know?

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The issue of unwanted pregnancy has been relevant at all times. And among all contraceptive methods, tubal sterilization, or, as it is also called, tubal ligation, is certainly the most effective. The tubes themselves anatomically connect the ovary to the uterus and are the place where the egg is fertilized by the sperm. The procedure of tubal sterilization creates an artificial obstruction of the fallopian tubes, preventing the transport of the egg, its fertilization and the onset of pregnancy.

Risks and Benefits

Tubal sterilization ( tubing clipping ) at Bogolyuby Medical Center is provided with high safety standards and is carried out in a minimally invasive way. laparoscopically . The likelihood of complications after surgery is a small percentage. Potential risks include:

• bleeding;

• infections;

• side effects associated with anesthesia;

• ectopic pregnancy.

Some conditions may increase the risk of complications such as previous abdominal and/or pelvic surgery, obesity, diabetes, bleeding disorders.

It is important to remember that the procedure does not prevent the risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections, since the only contraceptive that can protect against this risk is a condom.

The operation does not disrupt the normal menstrual cycle, does not cause hormonal changes and does not create discomfort in sexual life. This type of intervention takes about 30 minutes, and the operated patient can return to her normal activities within a few days.

Tubal ligation can be performed at any time, alone or in combination with other abdominal interventions. This procedure is becoming more widely used because it provides permanent and highly reliable contraception. Some studies show that tubal ligation may even reduce the risk of ovarian cancer.

If there is a possibility that in the foreseeable future you will change your mind and want to get pregnant, then it is better to refuse this type of contraception. This is a permanent and intractable intervention. Operations aimed at "untying" the pipes are actually very delicate and complex. It is possible that later you will have to resort to the procedure of in vitro fertilization.


From a temporary point of view, there are other long-acting contraceptive methods (such as the IUD) that are reversible and can be interrupted when, for any reason, pregnancy is desired. If there are no contraindications to their use, they can certainly be valid alternatives because:

• can be removed at will;

• do not require surgical intervention, which avoids relative risks;

• hormonal IUDs may also provide protection against certain types of uterine cancer.

What should be taken into account?

There are some important things to consider before deciding to have surgery. Soberly assess the risks and benefits of available contraceptive methods, whether they are permanent or not. Recognize the true reasons for the choice and discuss with your partner factors that may later lead to repentance (for example, young age or the couple's current problems). Learn about methods of protection against sexually transmitted diseases. Discuss with your gynecologist when the best time to have an intervention is right after childbirth or in combination with another surgical procedure. You may need to do a pregnancy test first to be safe.

It should also be borne in mind that, during the operation, the surgeon may be forced, due to any complication (presence of adhesions, infections, damage to internal organs, hemorrhages, etc.), to modify the technique, and to perform any other surgical actions necessary to keep the patient healthy.


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