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License :АГ №570604 Ministry of Health from 11.04.2011.
Lutsk district, Tarasovo village, 1b Lisova St. – Bogoliuby village (10 km from Lutsk city)
Patient admission schedule: Monday – Friday: from 9.00 till 19.00
The new clinic building is located outside the Volyn Regional Hospital building, next to the forest. The final stop of the city bus is No. 31, 47. You can reach us from the bus stop hotel 'Ukraine' opposite TSUM (department store -Central Universal Fashionable). If you are traveling by personal transport, the address for the navigator: Lutsk district, Tarasovo village, 1 b Lisova St.
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Home page Urology. Man's health

Fordyce granules: an infection or the norm?

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Fordyce granules: an infection or the norm?, фото

Often, men observe formations on the genitals that resemble small pimples. They usually appear during puberty and are a common cause for concern. We will talk about Fordyce granules , which have nothing to do with sexual infections, or poor hygiene, or cancerous tumors, as the patient initially begins to assume when he finds these formations in himself.

Is it dangerous?

Fordyce granules are a physiological phenomenon, and their appearance is associated with natural processes in the body. They are not contagious and can only bring aesthetic discomfort. Fordyce granules have the appearance of spots or bulges, white-yellow or red, ranging in size from 1 to 3 millimeters. Usually they are located on the genitals (penis, scrotum, vulva), but there are also on shirts, in the oral cavity. As a rule, Fordyce granules are asymptomatic: they are not painful, do not itch .

According to some experts, the use of therapy in such cases is unnecessary, however, if these papules represent an imperfection for the patient, a therapeutic solution is possible.

Fordyce granules are ectopic sebaceous glands, that is, sebaceous glands that are always located in the dermis, but which, unlike the usual sebaceous gland, are not connected to the hair follicle and do not have a channel for communication with the outside world.


It is estimated that 80% of the general population has at least one Fordyce granule on the mucosa. Sometimes neighboring granules can merge with each other, forming something very similar to what occurs as a result of the processes of sebaceous hyperplasia of the skin. In some cases, squeezing the Fordyce granules leads to the release of fluid.

The formations covering the shaft of the penis usually appear when the skin is stretched, for example, during an erection. In the mouth, Fordyce granules are most often formed on the mucous membrane of the lips, on the so-called retromolar triangle and in the region of the tonsils. Some people have hundreds of them; others, on the contrary, have them in extremely small quantities (at best, a couple).

Are complications possible?

The only complication, if you can call it that, associated with the presence of Fordyce granules is the aforementioned aesthetic discomfort if they are located in conspicuous places. Completely unfounded concern for any venereal disease, clearly arising from the presence of granules on the genitals. As a rule, this fear goes away when you go to the doctor and tell him about your problems. You can consult on this matter with a urologist or dermatologist at Bogolyuby Medical Center .

Can malignant tumors develop from Fordyce granules? This is a very important question that interests many patients. Although such a development is unlikely, however, a special type of malignant neoplasm known as sebaceous carcinoma can develop from Fordyce granules.

Impact on sex life

Since Fordyce granules are especially clearly visible on the male genitalia, it is men who suffer the most from aesthetic discomfort. To hide the "defect" they resort to such measures as sex with the lights off, dark condoms, avoidance of sexual contact. Men end up suffering from embarrassment and even depression.

What to do? Fordyce granules do not need therapy, however, for those patients who want to improve the appearance of the genitals or lips, there is a way out. It can be, for example, laser therapy.

Being benign formations, asymptomatic and devoid of any connection with any pathological condition, Fordyce granules have a favorable prognosis.



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